May Madness 2011

MontreAlers May Madness 2011

Competition Results

Light Lagers and Pilsners (7 Entries)
Anthony Legge, MOB Mt. Pearl,NLHoof Hearted1DMunich Helles1
Victor North, SOBs Toronto,ONBurnt Hills Blonde2BBohemian Pilsner2
Ari Giligson, Vanbrewers Delta,BCBlue House Lager1CPremium American3
American Imperial IPA (4 Entries)
Benoit Marchand, MontreAlers Longueuil,PQAwesome hops IIPA14CImperial IPA1
German Wheats (4 Entries)
Dean KrauseHigh Level,ABTukkerweizen15AWeizen1
Sour and Specialty (10 Entries)
Dean KrauseHigh Level,ABAlyak Framboise17FFruit Lambic1
Rick AugustRegina,SaskFlanders Red17BFlanders Red2
Rick AugustRegina,SaskBelgian Lambic Raspbeary17FFruit Lambic3
Eric Johnson, Vanbrewers Vancouver,BCSunshine boydream23ASpecialty BeerHM
Light and Amber hybirds (7 Entries)
Eric Johnson, Vanbrewers Vancouver,BCFourty Four Roggenkolsch6DAmerican Wheat or Rye Beer1
Ari Giligson, Vanbrewers Delta,BCChameleon Cream Ale6ACream Ale2
Jean-Simon FortinMontreal,PQBlond Ale6BBlond Ale3
Browns and Porters (5 Entries)
Ray Duperron, EHG Edmonton,Mr. Brown12ABrown Porter1
Angus Munro, EHG Leduc,ABRose Hill12ABrown Porter2
Belgian Strongs (5 Entries)
Gabriel Tremblay, MontreAlers Montreal,PQTrip Hop18CBelgian Tripel1
Kyle TeichertEgmondville,ONKay BSDA18EBelgian Dark Strong Ale2
Rick AugustRegina,SaskBelgain Goldan Strong Ale18DBelgian Golden Strong Ale3
Dark lagers (8 Entries)
Dean KrauseHigh Level,ABTwin Goat Bock5AMaibock1
Eric Johnson, Vanbrewers Vancouver,BCMexicali Blues3AVienna Lager2
Ray Duperron, EHG Edmonton,Umpapa3BOktoberfest3
Scottish and English IPA (6 Entries)
Collin Lavoie, MontreAlers Montreal,PQCentennial IPA14AEnglish IPA1
Ray Duperron, EHG Edmonton,Ocean Worthey14AEnglish IPA2
Ari Giligson, Vanbrewers Delta,BCFireside Export9CScottish 80/-3
Belgian and French Ale (4 Entries)
Ari Giligson, Vanbrewers Delta,BCStraight Ahead Saison16CSaison1
Old Ales and Barlywines (4 Entries)
Ari Giligson, Vanbrewers Delta,BCBarley Blond19BEnglish Barleywine1
Bitters (6 Entries)
Angus Munro, EHG Leduc,ABWhat Ales ya8BSpecial/Best/Premium Bitter1
Aaron Peterson, Vanbrewers N.Van,BCKenny’s ESB8CExtra Special/Strong Bitter (EPA)2
Ray Duperron, EHG Edmonton,Mr. Belte8CExtra Special/Strong Bitter (EPA)3
American Pale, Brown and Amber (7 Entries)
Ray Duperron, EHG Edmonton,Amerea the Browntiful10CAmerican Brown1
Martin Stutze, MontreAlers Montreal,PQ10AAmerican Pale2
Petur Waldorff, David Ayala, Luca TripaldiMontreal,PQPimmo Amarillo SMash10AAmerican Pale3
Hugh TophamVerdun,PQAmerican Amber10BAmerican AmberHM
American IPA (5 Entries)
Ray Duperron, EHG Edmonton,West Coast Special14BAmerican IPA1
Jeff HamonRegina,SKI am Amipa14BAmerican IPA2
Paul Brennan, MontreAlers Terrebonne,PQColonial14BAmerican IPA3
Stout (7 Entries)
Kyle TeichertEgmondville,ONMoonless Stout13DForeign Extra Stout1
Eric Johnson, Vanbrewers Vancouver,BCNOBB Sweet Stout13BSweet Stout2
Victor North, SOBs Toronto,ONI’d like to buy the world a Stout13BSweet Stout3
Russian Imperial Stouts and Wee Heavy (5 Entries)
Benoit Marchand, MontreAlers Longueuil,PQMaya Black13FRussian Imperial Stout1
Ray Duperron, EHG Edmonton,Highlander Ale9EStrong Scotch Ale2
Rick AugustRegina,SaskRussian Imperial Stout13FRussian Imperial Stout3
Spice-Herb-Vegetable and Christnas Beer (6 Entries)
Petur WaldorffMontreal,PQMr. Van Stout21ASpice, Herb, Vegetable Beer1
Smoke Flavored/ Wood-aged beer (4 Entries)
Kyle TeichertEgmondville,ONBlack Stormy/Imperial Smoked Porter22BOther Smoked Beer1
Dean KrauseHigh Level,ABAlyak Framboise17FFruit Lambic1
Ari Giligson, VanbrewersDelta,BCBarley Blond19BEnglish Barleywine2
Eric Johnson, VanbrewersVancouver,BCFourty Four Roggenkolsch6DAmerican Wheat or Rye Beer3


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